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10 Pola Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya (Belajar Bahasa Inggris)

10 Contoh ProcedureText Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya (Belajar Bahasa Inggris) – Hai teman Englishiana, aku yakin anda semua sudah sangat familiar dengan sebuah text yang disebut procedure text. Lalu, apakah anda pernah menciptakan pola text procedure? Jika ia, apakah text procedure tergolong teks yang susah dipelajari? Nah, biar semuan yang berkaitan ihwal procedural text menjadi terang benderang, pada kesempatan ini kita akan membahas tolong-menolong banyak sekali hal yang berkaitan dengan teks procedure.

 Contoh ProcedureText Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya  10 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya (Belajar Bahasa Inggris)
10 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya (Belajar Bahasa Inggris) 

Definisi Teks Prosedur

Teks mekanisme yakni sebuah jenis teks yang menunjukkan bagaimana cara menciptakan sesuatu secara lengkap. Struktur teks ini didominasi dengan kalimat perintah, alasannya yakni teks mekanisme yakni sebuah instruksi. Biasanya dalam teks mekanisme dijelaskan bahan-bahan atau peralatan yang dibutuhkan. Setelah itu akan dijelaskan satu persatu langkah dalam menciptakan sesuatu.

Social Function of Procedure Text

Tujuan dari teks ini yakni untuk menjelaskan bagaimana cara menciptakan atau mengoperasikan sesuatu dengan lagkah-langkah yang terperinci dan berurutan.

Generic Structure of Procedure Text:

  1. Goal: menunjukkan tujuan si penulis (How to make...)
  2. Material: Menjelaskan bahan-bahan atau peralatan yang dibutuhkan
  3. Steps: Menjelaskan langkah-langkah pembuatan dari awal sampai akhir.

Ciri kebahasaan yang sering dipakai dalam teks mekanisme adalah:

  1. Menggunakan kata hubung temporal
  2. Menggunakan kalimat perintah (Stir, put, pour, mix, etc.)
  3. Menggunakan kalimat simple present tense
  4. Menggunakan angka bertingkat (firts, second, finally, etc.)
Untuk melihat 20 pola procedure teks yang lainnya, silahkan klik link berikut: 

Di bawah ini yakni 10 pola teks mekanisme yang baik dan gampang untuk diterapkan:


  1. 2 cloves of Garlic
  2. 2 onions cut into small pieces
  3. 1 table spoon of vegetable oil
  4. a plate of rice
  5. some salt
Steps how to make it
  1. First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.
  2. Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.
  3. Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.
  4. Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 menit.
  5. Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.
  6. Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.
  1. Two eggs
  2. Onions
  3. Garlics
  4. Chilli (if you like spicy)
  5. Salt
  6. Vegetable oil
  1. Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chilli
  2. Second, break the egg into a bowl
  3. Third, put the garlics, onions, chilli, and salt into the bowl
  4. Then, mix them gradually
  5. The next step, heat a frying pan
  6. After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish
  7. Next, lift using spatula and put it in a plate
  8. Finally, omellete is ready to serve
What you need:
  1. An empty plastic bottle of water
  2. A sharp cutter
  3. A piece of white of colorful paper
  4. Some glue
  5. Some paint
  1. Wash the plastic bottle and make sure it has been clean when you use it
  2. Cut the bottle into two halves
  3. Wrap the bottle with a piece of colorful paper
  4. If you use white paper, use a paint to color it
  5. Now, your pencil box is ready to use
Read the direction
  1. Put the card into the slot
  2. Dial your personal identification number (PIN)
  3. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking”
  4. Enter the amount of money that you want to withdraw
  5. When your money appears, take it
  6. When the machine asks if you have finished, press “yes”
  7. Take out the receipt
  8. Take your card
  1. Cheese
  2. Topping
  3. Spices
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Yeast
  6. Flour
  7. Pan
  1. First, get some yeast and a pan
  2. Second, Turn on your bread machine
  3. Third, put flour, yeast into bread machine
  4. Fourth,take out in 30 minutes to an hour
  5. Fifth, smash tomatoes, put it in pizza
  6. Sixth, open cheese bag sprinkle on sauce
  7. Seventh, put topping of your choice on the pizza
  8. Then, cook in panggangan 30 minutes to an hour
  9. After that, open an panggangan and take out pizza, caution! Pan os hot!
  10. Finally, cut pizza into slices and it is ready to serve
  1. one spoon of coffee powder
  2. 2 spoons of sugar
  3. hot water
  4. a cup
  5. a spoon
  1. Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, a spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
  2. Put 2 spoons of sugar and a spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
  3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
  4. Stir it gradually and the hot coffee is ready to drink
  1. Onions
  2. An egg
  3. Cabbage
  4. Instant noodle
  5. Vegetable oil
  6. Chilli
  7. Garlics
  1. First, Slice onions, garlics, chilli, and cabbage
  2. Second, heat pan and put vegetable oil in it
  3. Third, fry the onions and garlics untill yellowish
  4. Fourth, pour water on the pan and wait until boiling
  5. Then, put cabbage into boiling water and then put an egg in it
  6. After that, add noodle, stir slowly for three minutes
  7. While noodle is being cooked, put the seasoning in a bowl
  8. Next, take the cooked noodle from the boiling water and drain it
  9. Put the cooked noodle and the seasoning into the bowl and mix well
  10. Finally, the special fried rice is ready to serve 
  1. Two slices of bread
  2. Cheddar cheese
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Tomato sauce
  5. Salad
  6. Lettuce leaves
  7. Mayonnaise

  1. Firstly, place a slice of bread on the plate. 
  2. Second, put the tomato sauce.
  3. Then, add salad, slice tomatoes, cheddar cheese, mayonnaise, tomato sauce on it.
  4. Next, add lettuce leave
  5. After that, put a slice of bread on the top to cover them
  6. Finally, serve it!
  1. 500 gr bananas
  2. 2 cups thick coconut milk
  3. 90 gr brown sugar
  4. pinch of salt
  5. 2 cups water


  1. First, Peel the bananas and cut them into small circle.
  2. Second, Boil in 2 glass of water for 10 minutes
  3. Third,  In other saucepan, simmer the coconut milk with a pinch of salt and the brown sugar, stir and be careful that the coconut milk doesn't quite come to the boil.
  4. After that, when the sugar is dissolved, put in the bananas and continue to simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes, until bananas are cooked.
  5. Finally, it can be served in hot.

 How To Make Mango Juice
  1. Some ice pack
  2. A spoon of sugar
  3. A mango
  4. A half glass of water
  1. First, peel the mango and wash it cleanly
  2. Second, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the blender
  3. After that, put the sugar, the water, and ice
  4. The next step, turn on the blender and wait about 15 seconds
  5. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and it is ready to drink.
  1. box
  2. glue
  3. Scisors
  4. Paint maker
The Procedure to make a Pencil box

  1. Find a box.
  2. Peel off any labels.
  3. Cut new labels from clean sheets of construction paper. Glue them on your box using a glue stick.
  4. Use decorative papers, stickers, paint markers, or hand-drawn drawn designs to embellish your box.
  5. Fill the box and you’re done!
Untuk melihat 20 pola procedure teks yang lainnya, silahkan klik link berikut: 
20 Contoh Teks Procedure Singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
10 Contoh Teks Procedure Singkat How to Make dan How to Use Anti Mainstream
Nah, kini aku yakin anda semua sudah bisa menciptakan sebuah pola procedure text. Saya berharap kalau teman Englishiana semua menerima kiprah menciptakan pola text procedure, Sobat Englishiana sanggup membuatnya dengan baik dan benar. Sebagai pengingat, pada pada dasarnya Teks mekanisme yakni sebuah jenis teks yang menunjukkan bagaimana cara menciptakan sesuatu secara lengkap. Nah, jangan cepat puas dalam berguru teman Englishiana, salam semangat, salam Englishiana.

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