Conditional Sentences Without If beserta Contohnya – Di dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat pengandaian umumnya dinyatakan dengan memakai kata bila “IF”. Oleh alasannya yakni itu, kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence) disebut juga dengan (If Clause) dalam bahasan “grammar”. Namun, dalam beberapa kondisi dimungkinkan juga kita menciptakan kalimat pengandaian tanpa memakai “IF” yang lalu sering dikelan dengan (Conditional Sentence without IF).
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Conditional Sentences Without If beserta Contohnya |
Conditional Sentence tanpa “IF” umumnya dibagi menjadi dua kelompok besar. Without IF conditional sentence memakai KALIMAT INVERSION dan memakai CONJUNCTION tertentu.
A. Conditional Sentences Without If dengan Kalimat Inversion
Conditional Sentence tanpa IF yang pertama ini dibentuk dengan memakai kalimat “INVERSION”. Kalimat Inversion yakni kalimat dimana urutan posisi SUBJEK & PREDIKAT nya berbeda dengan kalimat biasa. Dalam kalimat Inversion, PREDIKAT diposisikan sebelum SUBJEK. Conditional sentences dengan Inversion ini dianggap lebih formal daripada conditional sentence biasa.
Bentuk Conditional Sentence tanpa IF dengan INVERSION ini berbeda pada masing-masing tipe. Pada contoh-contoh di bawah ini instruksi NOR dimaksudkan untuk (normal IF CLAUSE pattern) dan INV dimaksudkan untuk (INVERSION pattern).
a. Type 1 : Possible to happen in the future (INVERSION TYPE 1 “SHOULD + S”)
NORMAL PATTERN = If + S + V1 / TOBE (is,am,are), S + Will / Can / May + V1 / be
INVERSION PATTERN = SHOULD + S + V1 / BE, S + Will / Can / May + V1 / be
NOR : If you study hard, you will pass the exam with flying colours.
INV : Should you study hard, you will pass the exam with flying colours.
NOR : If you don’t have any schedule tomorrow, I will visit you.
INV : Should you not have any schedule tomorrow, I will visit you.
b. Type 2 : Impossible to happen now (INVERSION TYPE 2 “WERE + S”)
NORMAL PATTERN = If + S + V2 / were + Object / Complement, S + Would + V1 / be
INVERSION PATTERN = Were + S + Complement, S + Would + V1 / be
*Kalimat yang sanggup dirubah ke dalam bentuk INVERSION untuk conditional sentence TIPE 2 hanya kalimat yang memakai TOBE (WERE)
NOR : If I were you, I would go home now.
INV : Were I you, I would go home now.
NOR : If My English teacher were absent today, I would stay at library.
INV : Were My English teacher absent today, I would stay at library.
Type 3 : Impossible to happen in the past (INVERSION TYPE 3 “HAD + S”)
NORMAL PATTERN = If + S + Had + V3 / been, S + Would have + V3 / been
INVERSION PATTERN = Had + S + V3 / been, S + Would have + V3 / been
NOR : If I had studied here last week, I would have met her.
INV : Had I studied here last week, I would have met her.
NOR : If you had not been absent yesterday, your teacher wouldn’t have been angry with you.
INV : Had you not been absent yesterday, your teacher wouldn’t have been angry with you.
A. Conditional Sentences Without If dengan Conjunction
Conditional sentence tanpa IF juga sanggup dibentuk dengan conjunction UNLESS dan OTHERWISE alasannya yakni Ke dua conjunction tersebut sudah mengandung makna IF dalam konteks NEGATIF. UNLESS = EXCEPT IF dan OTHERWISE = IF NOT. Dengan memakai 2 conjunction di atas kita sanggup menciptakan kalimat conditional untuk TIPE 1, TIPE 2, dan TIPE 3.
=> You will not pass If you don’t work hard.
=> You will not pass unless you work hard.
=> If I weren't really hungry, I wouldn't eat that food.
=> Unless I were really hungry, I wouldn't eat that food.
=> They would have kidnapped her if she had not given them the money.
=> They would have kidnapped her unless she had given them the money.
=> Do not talk to me otherwise I call to Police
=> He had come on time last week otherwise teachers would have abased him.
=> He must change his bike tire otherwise it will harm him.
Demikianlah sahabat bahasan kita perihal without if conditional sentence. Semoga bahasan kita perihal conditional sentence tanpa IF ini sanggup membantu Anda memahami bahan ini dengan baik. Bagi kalian yang ingin melihat lebih banyak bahasan perihal IF CLAUSE, silahkan Anda kunjungi bahasan-bahasan berikut.