Contoh Descriptive Text ihwal Hewan (Animal) Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya Hello everyone, How are you today? Jika pada sebelumnya kita pernah mencar ilmu mengenai descriptive text, nah kali ini kami akan menawarkan contoh-contoh descriptive text yang bertemakan hewan. Tanpa basa-basi lagi yuk kita pribadi saja simak contohnya. Baca Juga : Materi dan Soal Bahasa Inggris Descriptive Text Kelas 7 SMP 5 Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Tempat Wisata (Tourism Place) dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya My Lovely Cat I have a stray cat as my pet. He is really playful, He loved to play with me and the new things he found. He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep. Terjemahan Kucing Kesayanganku Saya punya kucing liar sebagai binatang peliharaan
mahir dalam berbahasa inggris